My “Intervention Theory Essentials” eBook concludes with a letter I received from a mainstream geneticist known as DNA Deep throat. Many of you who have now read Intervention Theory Essentials have been astonished by that letter, as I assumed you would be, and now are asking to know more about that gentleman and the mainstream “secret” he was sharing with me.

Here is an excerpt from his letter to me:


Dear Mr. Pye:
I agree with your conclusions [that humans are genetically engineered] and will give you a few hints, if you wish [speaking] as a “DNA Deep Throat.” First, look up the huge discontinuities between humans and the various apes for: (1) Whole mitochondrial DNA; (2) genes for the Rh Factor; (3) and human Y chromosomes, among others.

Regarding #3, I refer you to K.D. Smith’s 1987 study titled “Repeated DNA sequences of the human Y chromosome.” It says “Most human Y chromosome sequences thus far examined do not have homologues [same relative position or structure] on the Y chromosomes of other primates.” Human female X chromosomes do look somewhat apelike, but not the male’s Y.

This means that if humans are a crossbred species, the cross had to be between a female ape-like creature [i.e, “creature of Earth”] and a male being from elsewhere.


[“Deep Throat” was the euphemism used by Mark Felt to protect his identity as he revealed the Nixon administration’s involvement in the Watergate scandal to reporter Bob Woodward in 1972.]

There is more to the letter, but these three paragraphs will be the focus for this Byte. The last paragraph is dealt with extensively in the eBook, and has generated much comment among readers because of the story of Zana, an almas type hominoid that lived in a village in Russia for 40 years, and which crossbred with human men to produce several dominantly human offspring.

The sex-determining chromosomes are X and Y. If you obtain an X from one parent and an X from the other, you are a female. If you have an X from one and a Y from the other, you are a male. So the Y confers “maleness,” yet it is by far the smallest of the chromosomes delivered to any offspring.

In the 1987 study Deep Throat referenced in 1999, the term “most” was used when pointing out that human Y sequences do not match with the Y sequences of higher primates (chief of which are chimps, supposedly the closest genetic relative to humans). However, since then it has been well established that in all chromosome comparisons between chimps and humans, their differences average 2% to 3%. Yet the difference between their Y chromosomes is 30%!

Obviously, something very dramatic happened to the human Y, something that can’t possibly be explained by standard Darwinian evolution. The only plausible answer is, in fact, genetic engineering, but we all know mainstream science would, at all costs, avoid openly considering that as a possibility.